Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Focus Areas

Advanced Network & Wifi Infrastructure Services

Data Center, Network & Wifi Mobility Capabilities

When designing, deploying or upgrading a data center, it’s common practice to turn to expert advice on switching, server and storage technologies. But when you consider that this critical equipment all relies on having the right power, cooling and cabling infrastructure to ensure performance, reliability, efficiency and scalability, expert guidance on selecting and deploying these solutions is just as vital.

network and wifi

CSTX has cabling expertise into a global data center service network, capable of guiding you through the process of selecting and designing the infrastructure you need to realize the full potential of your data center while offering you the on-going support you need to respond quickly to changing needs, prevent downtime and maintain peak performance and efficiency. Part of our Advanced Solutions Team, CSTX global Data Center Design Services team provides the analysis and strategies to help ensure that your data center supports the needs of today while being resilient and scalable to support whatever comes tomorrow.

CSTX comprehensive Data Center Design Services include:

network and wifi02

Demands on Wi-Fi networks have grown steadily for the past two decades. Its ubiquity and ability to complement other wireless technologies in the age of IoT is the key to connecting everyone and everything, everywhere. Any migration to the cloud or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) will require a robust, high-bandwidth, available network. What’s more, as public and private companies have grown to accommodate an evolving hybrid workforce, there has been unforeseen strain on all networking technologies, causing sizable bandwidth and security concerns. CSTX has 25+ years of experience installing reliable, high-performance networks that are appropriate to your current workflow and ready for future upgrades and expansions.

Services include:


IoT sensors

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+1 (646) 873-6945

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